Things You Need to Know About Heart Disease

Just about everyone knows someone who has suffered heart problems or who is taking heart attack treatment for heart disease. There is a reason for this, as heart disease is unfortunately incredibly common.

Every year, according to figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 610,000 people in the US will die from heart disease. This high figure equates to around one in four deaths.

Heart disease is the principal cause of death for men and women. In 2009 deaths caused by heart disease in men totaled above 50% of all deaths.

The best known form of heart disease is called coronary heart disease. This condition kills more than 370,000 individuals every year. Around 735,000 US citizens will suffer a heart attack each year, and of these, 210,000 will already have suffered a previous heart attack.

Prompt Action and Good Heart Attack Treatment Could Save Your Life

Being aware of the signs and symptoms of a heart attack could potentially save your life, or the life of someone close to you. The sooner you act, the greater your chances of survival.

A survey carried out in 2005 found that more than 90% of people surveyed recognized that chest pain was a major sign of a possible heart attack. However, just over a quarter knew all the major symptoms and were aware of the need to get emergency care for anyone suspected of having a heart attack.

Nearly half of all deaths due to heart attacks will occur outside a hospital setting. So, it seems as if many people with heart disease will not act on any early warning signs and will not seek heart attack treatment until it is too late.

So, what are the early signs you need to know?

Symptoms and signs include:

  • Having discomfort in the chest area or experiencing chest pain
  • Feeling discomfort in your upper body, including the upper stomach, back, neck or your arms or jaw
  • Feeling short of breath
  • Feeling nauseous, lightheaded, or breaking out in a cold sweat

Who is More at risk of Developing Heart Disease?

Being a smoker, having high blood pressure or cholesterol levels are major risk factors for heart disease. Unfortunately, nearly half of the American population has at least one of the risk factors. There are several other factors that may increase your risk.

These include

  • Being overweight
  • Having a poor diet
  • Not taking enough exercise
  • Drinking excessively
  • Being diabetic

Reducing Your Risk of Heart Disease

Luckily, there are lots of easy ways you can reduce your risk of heart disease. One of the most straightforward things to do is to look at your diet. Making sure you eat a healthy diet is probably one of the best defences against heart disease.

The type of food and the amount you eat can make a huge difference to your heart health. It can also affect other important factors that include your blood pressure and your cholesterol levels. Aim to eat nutrient dense foods that contain plenty of vitamins and minerals and fiber, but which are still lower in calories compared to less healthy foods.

Ideally, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as fish and poultry and legumes. Choose low-fat dairy foods over whole fat and limit your intake of sugary foods and sugar laden beverages.

Aim to only eat red meat occasionally and keep your weight within healthy limits. Exercise can help maintain a healthy weight and will allow you to eat the occasional treat more easily, while not exceeding your daily calorie allowance.

If you are at all concerned about your heart health, then it is worth scheduling an evaluation with a top NYC cardiologist. He/she will be able to carry out a proper assessment and if necessary will recommend more advanced diagnostic tests to gain a clearer picture of your heart health.

The advantage of seeing a cardiologist, is that they will be able to suggest suitable heart attack treatment to reduce your risk of heart disease, and when appropriate by using a combination of medications and lifestyle changes. This approach could prevent you from becoming a statistic and instead will hopefully allow you to lead a full and active, and healthy life.